January 21, 2008

at the Galerie Vallois on January 24th

"Bite my buns, swallow my meat. Taste the fire in the cave."

Preview and Opening night at the Galerie Vallois on January 24th from 06pm

The next Mike Bouchet's exhibition at the Galerie Vallois, "CANBURGER" consist of 10000 hamburgers canned specially for the occasion. Having worked directly with a canning meat company in Germany, the artist has developed a canned hamburger with a two years shelf life. The meat caught between two buns, already topped with ketchup and mustard, is packaged in a box with a lid for easy opening.

The "CANBURGER" is the starting point for a more comprehensive research on important matters relating to the consumption of hamburgers. In a style called "Internationalist", Bouchet has made sculptures and paintings that raise some profound questions about the production and consumption of food in today's world, from fast food to boxed military rations, through American survivalist movement. While hyper-hamburger large paintings push the food fetishism limits to its most grotesque, the bronze hyper-hamburger sculpture (and the sparkling boxes of hamburger) pushes the trend of what could be called a "materiality show " at the edge of the genre.

As with other works of his, Bouchet reproduces the marketing strategies: in the oldest food market in Paris - les Enfants Rouges -, samples of "CANBURGER" have been offered as free samplers during the month of December. In line with previous projects like "carpe DENIM" and in an even more extreme way, with an appropriating and yet lucid humour, "CANBURGER" then confronts the viewer with the insolent materiality of the works and the tactics of an all-entertainment society, led by Media and advertising.

Mike BOUCHET : Canburger
25 January 25th - March 1st 2008

Galerie Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois
36 rue de seine
75006 Paris
T +33 1 46 34 61 07
F +33 1 43 25 18 80

Monday - Saturday
10.30 am - 1 pm / 2 pm - 7 pm

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